Financial Wellness for Everyone, Regardless of Income

Fisecal is on a mission to equip coaches and institutions with the tools they need to create a more equitable financial health landscape.

From Insight to Impact


From Insight to Impact


Growing up in a family that lived paycheck to paycheck, I (Lou) witnessed firsthand the impact of financial struggle. This personal experience, alongside my professional journey in private banking, unveiled a stark contrast: the wealthy had abundant resources at their fingertips, while low or moderate income families had few options for guidance to navigate their financial paths.

Transitioning from banking to financial coaching, the pressing need for a large-scale solution became even more evident. This is where my journey with Fisecal began.

Fisecal today


Now more than ever, we’re placing the spotlight on supporting financial coaches. We know that the real magic is in providing support and guidance to those living paycheck to paycheck, not maintaining tedious budgets and action plans.

Onboarding, cash flow management, financial analysis, you name it — we’ve got the tools for it.

Building a future where financial security is attainable for everyone is a hefty goal, but we believe in the power of our coaches and our platform to enact change.

Our Team

We’re a group of entrepreneurs, marketers, software engineers and finance professionals — basically, we come from all walks of life. But we all have one thing in common: we firmly believe that financial wellness and security isn’t a privilege. It’s a human right.

See what our members think

Join Our Mission

Now more than ever, we’re placing the spotlight on supporting financial coaches. We know that the real magic is in providing support and guidance to those living paycheck to paycheck, not maintaining tedious budgets and action plans.

Onboarding, cash flow management, financial analysis, you name it — we’ve got the tools for it.

Building a future where financial security is attainable for everyone is a hefty goal, but we believe in the power of our coaches and our platform to enact change.